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As parents or guardians of young children, we want to do all that we can to ensure the safety of these young ones. We want to provide them with a healthy environment in which they can develop and thrive. Many of us do this by providing a comfortable home, healthy food and a healthy emotional environment for our children. However, we forget about what we are exposing our children to in terms of indoor air quality.

Breathe diagram

Gone are the days when children spent a good majority of their waking hours outdoors. Like adults, children today spend most of their time indoors. A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that the average American child spends about 90 percent of their time indoors. This is dangerous for their health. Not just because they need exposure to sunlight as well as to experience their environment, but also because of the level of toxins they are exposed to indoors.

According to a study by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air is about 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air. This is true for homes both in rural and urban areas. Your child is therefore being exposed to poor indoor air quality for hours every day.

Benefits of Good Indoor Air Quality for Your Children

There are many benefits of working towards improving the quality of air in your home. These include:

1. Keeping Your Children Healthy

Good ventilation in your home means that your children will be less sick. Poor air quality and poor ventilation exposes children to pollutants including viruses and volatile organic compounds. Children are more likely to get sick when they spend hours indoors breathing stale and polluted air. You can improve your children’s health and avoid many health problems by ventilating your home.

air quality

2. Improving Their Concentration

Studies have shown that the performance of children drops when they are exposed to high levels of air pollution. You can improve your child’s cognitive and creative development by ensuring better air quality in your home. Children are less likely to get sick and will be more active when in a healthy environment. They are therefore more likely to experience healthy growth and development.

3. Enhancing Comfort

A well-ventilated home is a more comfortable living space. It can help to boost their energy levels and enable them to be more active and thus improve their growth and development. Children are also able to experience better quality sleep in a healthy environment.

The quality of air in your home plays an important role in the development and growth of your child. If you have a young child in your home, be sure to check on indoor air quality in order to improve your child’s growth and development. Contact us to have your home’s air quality tested. Our team will help you learn more about the quality of air in your home and what you can do to improve it.